AP Human Geography- Prill Calendar Updates

Hi guys, so cold and flu season hit the Prill family.  I will be back tomorrow, but below are some of the calendar updates I need to share with you.  Please GO BY THIS CALENDAR BELOW if you’re in Prill’s classes, as Darling’s class are more on track with the online calendar.

Monday, December 9th

Mapping Monday- World Regions (they can be seen especially on the second map after you click HERE but here the official list is below):

Central Africa
Central America
Central Asia
East Africa
East Asia
Eastern Europe
Middle East
North Africa
North America
South America
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Southern Africa (NOT South Africa, that’s a country! Please don’t mix up the two.)
West Africa
Western Europe

Wrap up supranationalism with a look at the EU and Brexit (this will have to go fast, so please be prepared!)

Readings: Rubenstein reading on the EU, EU and Brexit videos, and Rubenstein readings on terrorism.

Tuesday, December 10th

Wrap up whatever topics we need to regarding terrorism.

Consequences of Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces: Ethnonationalism and Failed States 

Readings: Rubenstein pg. 248

Wednesday, December 11th

Failed State Case Study: Yemen

No reading

Thursday will be review, and then Friday test… oh, and news you can use: Friday’s test will only be multiple choice… no FRQ section.

Prill Test Corrections Schedule (All Classes)

I hope you’ve all had a good and relaxing break. Now for the final stretch. If you have test corrections to do, I am available after school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week, and Monday and Tuesday after school next week (so there is a choice of six days there. Additionally, I’m available for corrections this week and next during AOs (but remember I only get 6 passes per AO so first come, first served).

Any map quiz retakes that you may need to do can be done at these times as well.

See you all tomorrow.