Yugoslavia LAB

We are completing a lab over the break-up of Yugoslavia; however, this lab is a bit different than previous labs- it is a document based lab. The documents are below.

1. Click HERE to access the background case-study. You must read this element first prior to completing the lab.

2. Click HERE for your documents for our lab.

3. Click HERE for the questions/lab activity 1.

4. Click HERE to access some helpful vocabulary terms for completing the lab.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS POST WILL BE DELETED ON FRIDAY MORNING!  If you are absent Monday and Tuesday, please make sure that you obtain all important information prior to Friday morning.  

Fog of War

Please watch the next 2 lessons of the Fog of War (a.k.a., watch up until the 1 hour and 21 minute mark).

I will upload the lab on Monday for those of you missing Monday and/or Tuesday. We will be working on this in class on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Homework 9/9 and 9/10

Tonight’s homework is a bit different…

You are to watch a portion of the Fog of War for homework. Click HERE to access the link. Only watch up until the 31:24 minute marker for 9/9 homework.

While you are watching, you will write down the lessons that he learned from Vietnam (they literally pop up on the screen saying “Lesson 1…..”) and write a description of what he means in this lesson and any examples that he uses.

Tomorrow (Thursday) night’s homework will be to watch from 31:24 up until 50:03 and complete the same process of identifying the lessons, an explanation, and examples. Therefore, if you want to, you may watch up until that point tonight and have no homework tomorrow.

Mapping Homework:

New Imperialism 1914

The maps above are to help you with the homework in coloring your two maps to highlight the differences between Imperialism and New Imperialism. You may click on the maps to enlarge them. Also, do not forget the reading!